Magic Notion

Creators of Kitty Powers' Matchmaker!

Kiki with Kitty Powers!

Richard Franke

Kitty has been taking a break this year to deal with all the craziness that we’ve all been dealing with! But now she’s back to kiki with her kittens!


Starting this afternoon, Richard will be transforming into Kitty live on her Twitch channel while taking questions from her kittens about all sorts of things!

Tune in at 4pm GMT to join in the fun 😸

Kitty Powers' Matchmaker DELUXE out now on Nintendo Switch!

Richard Franke

Ooh kittens! Just in time for Valentine’s Day 2020 we bring you Kitty Powers’ Matchmaker Deluxe, with two brand new minigames and and a whole bunch of new outfits for your avatar and customers!

Click the image to go to the Nintendo eShop!

Click the image to go to the Nintendo eShop!

Watch the trailer now to see the new minigames, where your client must root through the lost property bin for a new piece of clothing, or guess who stars in their date’s favourite movie!

Now you can play Matchmaker on your television AND on the go interchangeably, with Nintendo Switch! You lucky things!

Kitty Reviews...

Richard Franke

Hello kittens! I’ve got some fab news for you! I’m now a writer!


The brand new online Gaymers Magazine has given me my own column inches (ooh er) to write a regular review for them.

The first review is of the amazing game Undertale which you can read here.

Look out for more reviews on the Gayming Magazine website in the future! ❤️