Magic Notion

Creators of Kitty Powers' Matchmaker!

'Kitty Powers' Love Life' Announcement!

Guest User

Hello Kittens! We've got some exciting news for you all! Following a successful week at GDC in San Francisco, where Kitty Powers herself made an appearance, we're extremely pleased to announce our next game, 'Kitty Powers' Love Life'!

We're really busy right now working to make this next game in the series as exciting and fun as it possibly can be! Over the coming weeks and months we'll release more information as the game itself starts to develop! Oooh! How exciting!

Here's a little teaser trailer and some screen shots to whet your appetites, you lucky things!

'Kitty Powers' Love Life', the follow up to the critically acclaimed YouTube Let's Play hit 'Kitty Powers' Matchmaker' is coming soon kittens! Keep an eye out for more updates!

Stay tuned, Kittens!

3rd Birthday MATCHMAKER UPDATE!: Avatar letters investigation and some improvements!

Richard Franke

Hello kittens, we hope you're all over the shock of having to go back to school/work/real life!

January 2016 is Magic Notion's 3rd birthday so we thought we'd do an update for you! Happy Birthday!

We've had a busy few weeks working on a couple of new things which we'll be revealing in a few weeks, but we've also taken the time to take a look at some of the issues you've been seeing in Matchmaker. The good news is that we've made some significant feature improvements that the community have suggested! More details later in this post.

An elusive avatar letter

Sadly the less good news is about Avatar Letters, which are a fun and experimental bit of tech that we drive using the data that is output from the player avatars' dates. Luckily, they don't affect the actual core gameplay but are a by-product.

We've made some investigations into why some people aren't seeing avatar letters, and although the results are interesting, they don't present a very satisfying solution.

Basically, the game is designed and balanced to represent  what is perhaps a rather idealistically diverse population. The issue we have is that our audience is not as diverse as perhaps we assumed it would be. Here is a breakdown of the people who have uploaded avatars to the Date-A-Base:

By type:

  • Geeky = 24.8%
  • Arty = 19.7%
  • Sporty = 13.6%
  • Glam = 12.5%
  • Hipster = 7.8%
  • Edgy = 6.8%
  • Chic = 6.8%
  • Hippy = 3.3%
  • Vintage = 2.7%
  • Practical = 2.2%

By Gender:

  • Female - 85.5%
  • Male - 14.5%

What those numbers mean, is that if you're near the top of one those lists, there are so many of you to choose from that you're much less likely to get chosen to appear in other people's games, and thus gathering data to produce your letters is much more difficult.

We've tried to figure out a solution multiple times over the course of the last few months after we realized there was an issue, but have not been successful. The system is already fairly sophisticated and we've made some pretty drastic changes but the numbers are so skewed that there is little else that we can do.

New Stuffs!

Which brings us back to the stuff we have been able to improve. By way of an apology for the avatar letters we've made some improvements that you've asked for:

  • Redesigned the salon.
    • Players can now definitively select the style of clothes/facial decor
    • Players can now select the hair colour rather than randomly generating them
  • Character 'type' can be revealed for candidates by spending coins.
    • This happens once the second type is unlocked
  • Envelopes on restaurant select screen shuffle slower when there are more of them.
    • As the number of envelopes increases the speed slows slightly to compensate
  • Changed the spelling of some menu items.
  • Items in the shop are sorted by unlock order.
  • Other bug fixes.

We hope you enjoy the new improvements. We certainly like them!

The update is available now on all platforms!

A Merry Christmas Talk!

Richard Franke

Hello everyone!

We hope you had a lovely holidays, we certainly did :-) We spent most of it watching  all the new Youtube videos people have made of the game! So much fun!

This particular one caught our eye. It's not a Let's Play but an amusingly British Christmas talk by one of our biggest supporters Jordan Erica Webber (@jawsew on Twitter). It's an overview of the game with some very funny moments. Jordan is always disarmingly frank, we love that about her.

Anyway, we've got to go and eat more turkey sandwiches! Have fun watching the video and have a Happy New Year everyone!

Behind the Scenes with CupQuake!

Richard Franke

Hello Kittens!

A few days before Hallowe'en 2015 I found myself in Los Angeles on vacation. So while I was in town I arranged to film a special episode of CupQuake's Let's Play Kitty Powers' Matchmaker!

So I got up early to put on my make up and outfit and then we went to visit CupQuake and Red at their home studio where they film their videos!

We filmed a behind the scenes video which you can see below!

The Let's Play video came out really well. It was jolly good fun, Tiffany and Mario are both super lovely! You can see that video right here too!

We're working on lots of new content for you so keep watching my Youtube channel here: Kitty's Youtube Channel

See you soon Kittens! <3

Animex South East Asia!

Richard Franke

Hello everyone! Sorry we've been quiet for so long! 

Back in September I was asked to speak at the Animex Festival in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The conference was hosted by KDU university on their new Glenmarie campus.

It was very exciting to go somewhere I've never been before, so far away and exotic. Kuala Lumpur is a 12.5 hour flight away from London, a journey of 6549 miles!

Kuala Lumpur at night

Kuala Lumpur at night



I did a talk about Kitty Powers' Matchmaker in a very pink outfit. The talk was about how the game became popular on Youtube, and why that is.

I also gave a Masterclass in character design with a group of students. We went through all the things that can feed into a character design, then we played a game where we 'procedurally generated' design briefs that we created characters from.

They did really well and came up with some cool character designs :-) Pictures below!